No, you will not be greeted with cucumber water or Buddha.

you will not curl up under a heated blanket.  There will not be a trickling waterfall or sounds of birds chirping in the background.  

This is work.  

This is specific. 

This is raw.  

This is FUN!

Do expect to find the lights on.  Do expect to hear good tunes.  Do expect to wear comfy clothes atop a linen-less table.  

Expect to be moved during your treatment.  Expect elbows.  Expect pressure.  Expect talking.  Expect in-depth explanations of what our plan of attack is for the day.  

Don’t expect the expected.  This isn’t your stereotypical massage treatment.

Now don’t get me wrong, there's a time and place for all of that.  But, it isn't here.  I’ll treat you like I expect to be treated when I’m in pain.  Based on the injury at hand, we’ll get to work right away.  Sometimes the treatment can be aggressive.  I’m a firm believer in the “get in, get out” mentality.  Like I said earlier, I don’t have time, money, or patience for pain, and I don’t expect my clients to either.  Let’s do this thing.  Let’s set the goose free!